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We'd love to have you join us! Academy Days Co-op meets in person on Thursdays at Eastmont Baptist Church (4505 Atlanta Highway in Montgomery). Enrollment for Fall 2022 is now closed. To be placed on the notification list for Spring 2023, email carren(at)outlookacademy(dot)com with your contact info as well as your children's names, ages, grade levels, and the classes they would like. Then we'll contact you in mid-November when we open for new enrollments.
CLICK HERE to see the current Fall Class Schedule, which will likely be the same for spring. CLICK HERE for the 2022-23 dates.
CLICK HERE to read what families are saying about Academy Days Co-op.

Academy Days Co-op celebrates its 16th birthday this year of 2022! Just like co-op, these teenagers were born in 2006, and they celebrated at co-op this semester. We are so grateful to the Lord for seeing us through the pandemic, for leading us into the future, and for bringing such remarkable students of all ages as well as dedicated parents and grandparents to join our co-op.

To read about our Pajama Day, click here or click the photo. Academy Days Co-op celebrated its 10-year anniversary way back in Fall 2016! Our co-op owes its longevity and success to the Lord, Who works through all the parents contributing their ideas and volunteering their time and expertise every semester. Not every parent teaches a class, and we certainly appreciate those who do teach, but we also value parents who assist teachers, set up, clean up, organize events, encourage and help each other. We parents determine the classes and actually run the co-op. By working together and adapting to fit members' needs, our co-op thrives and all the children and parents benefit!
As a Christian homeschool co-op, we base our guidelines on precepts from the Bible, and classes are taught from a Christian worldview. Nevertheless, as an inclusive group, we welcome all families from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and homeschool styles.
Academy Days Co-op has been serving the homeschool community since the 2006-2007 school year. Since then, more than 75% of our graduates have progressed to college or university (77.7%). We are very proud of our industrious students and dedicated team teachers! Of course, college is not a prerequisite for success in life, and we also applaud those graduating students over the years who have successfully pursued employment, entrepreneurship, missions, or the military instead of college.
Our success must be one of the reasons why so many co-ops are following our format and policies. Indeed, we are thankful that other homeschoolers have found our operations to be so useful as to be copied to create their own co-ops. We have been working out the kinks in Academy Days Co-op since 2006. Apparently, by following the Lord's Will, we have done something right, and they think so as well. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and we appreciate the compliment.
"Thank you so much for co-op.
We have learned so many things
and are better cooks, chemists, and historians
because of our time spent there." ~ Lisa, former co-op parent
Would participating in a homeschool co-op invigorate or exhaust you and your family at this time in your lives? The advantages and disadvantages of homeschool co-ops should be considered before signing up for any co-op. Please weigh all of them as you prayerfully consider what the Lord may have planned for your family this year.
To help you make an informed decision, please browse our site and read our Frequently Asked Questions and these articles below.
12 Benefits of a Homeschool Co-op 15 Reasons You Should Not Join Our Co-op How We Overcome Common Co-op Problems 10 Ways To Make Co-op Work for You Comments and Testimonies
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