16 Years of Excellence

As of 2022, Academy Days Co-op celebrates 16 years of a proven track record for college- and career-bound homeschoolers. With the Lord's blessing, we look forward to the next 16!

Fall Semester Classes

New enrollments for Fall 2022 are open now! Cllick on CLASSES on the menu for the schedule, and email carren(at)outookacademy(dot)com to sign up for a class. Deadline to sign up for fall is July 28.

Read about Co-op in the News

Academy Days Co-op and our members have been in the news many times over the years. Click on NEWS on the menu and scroll down to read the articles.

Recipes for Historical Meals

Each semester we host one historical meal, such as Medieval Feast, Roaring '20s, Food Around the World, and more! Students dress in costumes, and parents bring the food! Click on NEWS for delicious recipes.

Previous Classes and Ideas for New Classes PDF Print E-mail

Except for history and high school sciences, which follow a certain rotation, classes are planned by surveying the families involved to determine their needs. Classes with the highest interest levels and those with volunteers to teach are more likely to be scheduled, taking into account the available classrooms. As a result, each semester is usually a bit different from previous semesters.

We are always open to new ideas for classes. Do you have a degree in a certain subject? What's your hobby? Do you fondly remember a high school or college class and would like to duplicate it for fellow homeschoolers? Perhaps your high schooler needs a certain course for credit, or maybe your child is interested in something in particular that would be fun to learn with a group. We'd love to hear your suggestions!

On the other hand, perhaps your mind draws a blank, and you just need a few ideas to get you started thinking! You may have skills you never thought would adapt to a co-op class. The following ideas may help you.

Please note:
Those with asterisks* have been taught at our co-op before (or are being offered now) and would make good classes again. Others are either requested classes or subjects successfully taught at other co-ops.

HIGH SCHOOL (grades 9-12):
*Introduction to Literature and Composition
*American Literature and Composition
*Literature (no composition)
*British Literature and Composition
Research Skills/Writing
*Better Essays in Less Than an Hour
Public Speaking
*Family History Research
*Apologia's General Science
*Earth Science
*Apologia's Physical Science
*Apologia's Biology
*Apologia's Advanced Biology (Human Anatomy)
*Apologia's Marine Biology
*Apologia's Chemistry
*Friendly Chemistry
*Aerospace Science
*Introduction to Computer Science
*Web Site Design
*Introduction to Computer Programming
*Basic Software Engineering
*Math Lab
Math - Algebra, Calculus, etc.
Comparative Anthropology
*Greek and Roman History
*Ancient History
Medieval History
*British History
*World History
*Alabama History
*Constitutional Law
*U.S. History
*World Geography
*Current Events
World Politics
*Financial Peace for Teens
*Financial Planning
World Cultures
*World Religions
Comparative Religions
*Apologetics (Christian World View)
*TrueU: Does God Exist? (Apologetics/Christian World View)
*TrueU: Is the Bible Reliable? (Apologetics/Christian World View)
Church History
*Old Testament / New Testament Survey
*So You Want To Live on Your Own? (Life Skills or Home Economics)
*P.E. - dodge ball, kick ball, volleyball, basketball, soccer
*Music Appreciation
Music History
*Art History
*Art Appreciation
*Oil Painting
*Acrylic Painting
*Conversational French
*Conversational French II
*Spanish I
*Spanish II
*Sign Language
Safe Young Drivers (Driver's Ed.)
*ACT Prep
Career Development

JUNIOR HIGH (grades 7-8):
*Literature and Creative Writing
*Literature and Essay Writing
Public Speaking
*Spelling Bee / Fun with Words
*Alabama History
*World History
*World Geography
*British History
*U.S. History
*Current Events
*General Science Concepts
*Earth Science
*Apologia's General Science
Environmental Science
CPR / First Aid / Survival Skills
*Study Skills
Financial Peace for Kids
*Art Appreciation
*Sign Language
Foreign Language (Spanish, French)
*P.E. - dodge ball, kick ball, volleyball, basketball, soccer
Math and Logic Games
*Etiquette / Modern Manners

ELEMENTARY (classes divided among grades 1-2, grades 3-4 and grades 5-6):
*Creative Writing
Spelling Bee / Fun with Words
*Five in a Row (gr. 1-2)
*Alabama History
*World History
*U.S. History
*World Geography
*Prairie Primer (gr. 1-3)
*Pioneers: Following the Ingalls Family
*World Cultures (gr. 1-3)
*Nifty 50: Fun with States (gr. 1-6)
Nursery Rhymes history
*Flying Creatures
*Swimming Creatures
*Fun with Nature
*Life Science
*The Human Body
*Ooey Gooey Sicence
*Fun with Chemistry (gr. 1-2)
*Nature's Children (gr. 1-2)
*Survival Science: Outdoor Survival Skills and First Aid (gr. 3-4)
*Science in the Bible
*Mad Scientists
*Science Detectives (gr. 3-4)
*Forensic Science (gr. 5-6)
*Creation Science (gr. 5-6)
Science: Magic School Bus, Biomes/Habitats at http://www.enchantedlearning.com/biomes/, Earth Science at www.eequalsmcq.com, First Aid, Human Body, Solar System, conservation, etc.
*P.E. - relay races, parachute games, dodge ball, kick ball, volleyball, basketball, soccer
*Sign Language
*Cake Decorating
*Times Tables the Fun Way
Game Day Takes the Math Blues Away
*Etiquette / Modern Manners

*Story Time and Craft
*Bible Story & Activity
*Around the World in 12 Weeks
*Expedition Earth
*Fun with Nature
Science: Magic School Bus, Biomes/Habitats at http://www.enchantedlearning.com/biomes/, Life Science or Earth Science at www.eequalsmcq.com, First Aid, Human Body, Solar System, etc.
*Art through Biomes
*Community Helpers
*Before 5-in-a-Row
*Sign Language
*Rhythm and Musical Instruments
*Boomwhackers Rhythm Band
*Story and Music Awareness
*Mini Masterpieces
*Little Builders
Math Games


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