Read what our current and former members have to say about friendships, socialization, classes, schedules, teachers, guidelines, and administration. These were anonymous comments on our spring survey, so not all are complete sentences.
Friendships, Fellowship, Socialization: Love this group of people. The families are great. The friendliness and teamwork of all of the families is a blessing. Friendly and helpful parents and children! Students with a love for learning who are kind and generous to each other I love the friendships my kids have made, and I enjoy the fellowship with other homeschool parents. We enjoy the opportunity that lunch hour in a common area provides for fellowship. We have really enjoyed meeting new people, and that co-op is only one day per week. I like that my kids can have somewhat of a “school-type” experience without actually being in school. It's the best of both worlds, I think. I love that both my children and myself have friends who understand this crazy fun homeschooling life! Love the sweet spirit and the opportunity to meet other families and have time for interaction. We love the friendly atmosphere and start time! It works well for us not to start too early.
Classes, Schedules: Variety of classes! How creative it can be! Opportunities to teach multiple ages and subjects. I love co-op's class offerings, structure, the sense of family. Like the way the schedule is structured with similar subjects at the same period. It's convenient for my family with all my kids. We like that ALL academics are covered on one day. Most other co-ops we looked at had multiple days and/or only elective or art classes. So thank you! I really appreciate the routine and accountability. The structure and discipline of a routine The relaxed learning atmosphere Excellent college-prep and AP courses, especially the Apologia sciences! The cost effectiveness Love sharing microscopes and other expensive equipment so I don't have to buy them! The suggested fall classes sound excellent. Wish there could be one more period squeezed in – but that would make for a very long day. We attend co-op mainly for the core courses, so thank you for having those! Our home curriculum covers the bases on core academics. We appreciate all the electives. That said, it is nice doing labs with others!
Teachers: The organization and teamwork of this particular co-op is excellent! The opportunity to share teaching ideas and inspire and support each other as parents is a blessing. I love that my kids get to work with other teachers and learn from some who are passionate about subjects where “mom” is not. Teachers for classes I can't or don't want to teach at home (science!) The opportunity for my children to learn things I am not comfortable teaching. Instructors are hands-on and the kids learn so much. Teachers genuinely care about the kids and what and how they teach them. I love teaching and helping the students to learn! How much my child enjoys it! He loves his classes and says his teachers are so much better than public school ones....friendlier and more interested in the kids.
Guidelines, Administrative, Leadership: Well organized Runs smoothly Leadership Team and everyone has a genuine desire to see your homeschooling succeed and will try to help you. The students are well-behaved and there are expectations for them to be so. A big “THANK YOU” to the leadership for organizing everything and for all the hard work and time that I can only imagine goes into all of this.
Additional Likes/Dislikes, Improvements, Comments: I like that we have a yearbook for the kids to have. Thank you for doing a yearbook! I know it is a lot of work, but we so love having one! My children enjoyed dressing up for the history feasts! I did too! Getting to dress up for various events is fun! Thank you for the periodic breaks during the semester and between semesters. There is nothing we dislike about co-op! 0 dislikes! All good! Can't think of any improvements needed. Keep up the good work! Thank you for the last 8 years of co-op. Thank you for everything!