Local Teenager Wins First Co-op Web Site Design Contest Print

bandfactzMay 31, 2007 - Homeschooler Megan Joye, 16, has turned her love of music into a winning web site in a contest at the Academy Days co-op, sponsored by Outlook Academy. Joye's web site, www.BandFactZ.com, beat six other sites designed by high school students in the spring semester computer class.

“Friends ask me all the time about bands,” says the rising 11th-grader, explaining her choice of web site topic. “Also, I had been searching the Internet for more information about a certain band, and I had to go to four or five different sites to find what I wanted. I thought it would be great if one site had all that information.”

All the students' web sites were judged by Dr. Eric Lewis, web master of OnlineMontgomery.com, the online web portal for Montgomery. As the winner, Joye's site will receive free web site hosting for one year and will be linked from OnlineMontgomery.com.

Joye says she has invested many hours researching, displaying content and designing the logo and icons since the competition was announced in April, and she still continues updating it even after winning. BandFactZ.com features more than 60 bands in various music genres with trivia, photos, news about upcoming releases, and links to official band web sites. Joye plans to continue updating BandFactZ.com because she enjoys researching bands as well as updating the web site.

“I didn't know I would enjoy this so much, until I took the class at co-op,” she says.

Academy Days offers homeschool co-op classes for a variety of high school and elementary subjects difficult to teach at home or best taught in group settings, such as science labs, P.E. and computers.