Young Homeschoolers Make Beautiful Music Print
img_5201December 6, 2009 - Homeschoolers Lara Logan, 6, Tori Trucks, 8, and Becca Camp, 6, patiently wait their turn as Pam Holmes shows Windsor Joye, 10, how to play the lap harp at Academy Days Homeschool Co-op. During music class, the homeschoolers have enjoyed trying different instruments and listening to different kinds of music.

The young musicians will entertain their fellow students with a performance on the last day of co-op this semester. In the spring they will learn the basics of music theory and listen to a variety of music.

The Academy Days co-op, held weekly during the school year at Grace Community Church in Millbrook, is designed for preschool through high school students to learn subjects difficult to teach at home or best taught in group settings, such as art, music and P.E.