Local Homeschoolers Take on State Government Print

teenpact2012March 2012 - Learning about politics and government does not have to be boring when the state Capitol is your classroom and state lawmakers are your teachers.

Such was the case for Academy Days Co-op students Zachary Beaver and Jacob Beaver of Montgomery, Kaitlyn Taylor of Millbrook, Cameron Mercer and Hannah Mercer of Holtville, and Madison Taylor of Millbrook, who learned first-hand about the legislative process in Montgomery during TeenPact the last week of February. The six co-op students met state legislators in Montgomery and worked with other homeschoolers around the state to write their own bill and pass it in a mock legislation using parliamentary procedure.

Every year interested students in Academy Days Co-op in Millbrook participate in TeenPact, a Christian nonprofit organization that offers students a hands-on way to learn about state government. Visit TeenPact.com for more information.