Teenagers Donate Canned Foods to Local Food Bank |

February 2016 - A few Academy Days Co-op students take canned goods collected at orientation to W.E.L.C.O.M.E. Inc. in Millbrook. More than 220 cans were donated to the food bank serving families in need residing in West Elmore County.
Pictured in the front row are Micaela Morbidelli, Windsor Joye, Jason Jackson, Mary Clara Eddings, and standing in the back row are Hailey Palmer, Sarah Phillips and Tamara Phillips. These teenagers represent the 45 homeschooling families who participate in Academy Days Co-op.
The Academy Days Co-op, held weekly during the school year at Coosada Baptist Church, is designed for preschool through high school students to learn subjects difficult to teach at home or best taught in group settings. This year the co-op celebrates 10 years of serving the homeschool community.