16 Years of Excellence

As of 2022, Academy Days Co-op celebrates 16 years of a proven track record for college- and career-bound homeschoolers. With the Lord's blessing, we look forward to the next 16!

Fall Semester Classes

New enrollments for Fall 2022 are open now! Cllick on CLASSES on the menu for the schedule, and email carren(at)outookacademy(dot)com to sign up for a class. Deadline to sign up for fall is July 28.

Read about Co-op in the News

Academy Days Co-op and our members have been in the news many times over the years. Click on NEWS on the menu and scroll down to read the articles.

Recipes for Historical Meals

Each semester we host one historical meal, such as Medieval Feast, Roaring '20s, Food Around the World, and more! Students dress in costumes, and parents bring the food! Click on NEWS for delicious recipes.

Co-op Applauds Seniors and Kindergarteners As They Graduate PDF Print E-mail

June 2016 - Academy Days Co-op congratulates our graduating seniors and kindergarteners as they embark on new chapters in their lives. 

grads2016As their homeschooling peers and parents applaud, our seniors (pictured left) pose with a celebratory cake on the last day of spring semester. They are Elmore resident Noah Hart, Montgomery residents Emily Holmes and Emily McAliley, Prattville resident Allison Powell and Montgomery resident Noah Brailsford. Not pictured is Sarah Baggett of Prattville.

Pictured right are our kindergarten graduates: Juliana Newell of Montgomery, Noah Camp of Deatsville and Myah Ziska of Wetumpka. They will start first gade at Academy Days Co-op in the fall.gradesk2016

Held at Coosada Baptist Church, the Academy Days Co-op meets weekly during the school year for homeschoolers in preschool through high school to take classes in subjects such as computer programming, science labs, foreign languages, acrylic painting and P.E. 

Congratulations to our seniors and kindergarteners!


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